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Advent Poems

Tuesday 22nd December 2020

ADVENT By Jennifer Rowell A very special time of year. D istant music - church bells ring. V isual imprints on our minds. But wait - E mmanuel, Jesus is coming, angels are singing. N o pretence this time. T riumphant return of Christ our King. At last. BONFIRE By Elizabeth Fenney Too many voices alive and dead profane the silence in my head. I rake in memory's ache, hoist high thorny freight, weight of story not told, remembered; plunge it into bonfire's core. Pungent as incense rises the flame. Blaze roars, smelts gold from soul's dross in scorched embers; calms itself, sound gone to ground, gash of ash place of grace. I step from my shoes sole on earth await what God will bring to birth. A POEM FOR ADVENT By Sue Peachey "The bells of waiting Advent ring" Is how the poem goes, But when will our bells ring…

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Skellig Michael

Friday 11th December 2020
David Gleed

The Skellig Isles lie eight miles off the coast of County Kerry, Ireland. For years, Skellig Michael, the larger of the two adjacent islands, was home to perhaps the most isolated Christian community the world has ever known... Journeying has travelled to Skellig Michael on several occasions. We recently re-discovered this poem written following our visit in 2004. SKELLIG MICHAEL Mysterious Skellig, awesome rock, Atlantic force for thy embrace - Today to me your strength unlock To share with saints of old, your face. Great Skellig! O wondrous Skellig, living rock Adorned with flowers of vibrant hue, Where sea birds for their nesting flock And God still speaks - with words anew. Great Skellig! (Jennifer Smith. May…

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Pilgrims and Poets

Wednesday 21st October 2020
Janet Wilkes

Journeying counts several writers and artists among both guests and leaders. Janet Wilkes has travelled as a guest on a number of occasions. Her most recent poem, The Table, is printed here. Janet has also published a book, After The Blossom, a memoir, that includes her working life in London and Christian journey. We will feature the book in a later blog. The Table By Janet Wilkes A woman filled with gratitude this morning put her tea-tray on the table. Outside - barely visible - was the garden she'd created. The flowers had gone but there were still green leaves. "I'm alive" she thought "and grateful for all of this." She sipped her tea and, as the morning air drew back the curtains of the night, she became…

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For Love Alone

Tuesday 9th June 2020
David Gleed

During an autumn holiday on the Island of Iona, Sister Agnes felt a calling from God to bring the religious life back to the Scottish Islands. Back in her Convent in Devon it was to be seven years (to the day) since setting foot on Iona, that Sister Agnes arrived on the remote Shetland Island of Fetlar... That same call came again. On this occasion, however, God seemed to say to her, 'You may answer yes, or you may answer no. It's your choice, though if you answer no, it will be the end of your vocation as it is meant to be, and I shall ask you no more.' Sister Agnes said, Yes! The story of the years leading up to…

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Book Review: The Way Under our Feet - A Spirituality of Walking. By Graham B Usher

Monday 11th May 2020
Reviewer: David Gleed

My attention Instantly grabbed by the title, I was further delighted to find the text wonderfully light and very readable - just right for warm spring days in the 'lockdown' garden! The book moves effortlessly from one facet of walking to another - pilgrimage, the significance of the Emmaus walk, labyrinths and so on - carrying the reader on a journey that draws you towards the next page. Along the way there are some fascinating observations, some more unexpected than others - I was amazed to learn hip operations can be undertaken with the patient fully conscious and with the expectation that the patient is up and starting to be mobile later that day or early the next! Walking with our…

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Access to the Countryside after Lockdown Ends

Wednesday 29th April 2020
Christine Smith

As we all look forward to the end of the lockdown period thoughts turn to what the future might look like particularly when access to the countryside is so important. When it is safe we are keen to see all the paths that were closed re-open to walkers. Journeying leader, Christine Smith, has been taking a closer look and there are some concerns that not all paths will re-open even when the lockdown fully ends. In the article below she identifies which organisations in the UK are responsible for different types of paths and who we can speak to if we want to ensure access returns when restrictions have finally been lifted: "In the British countryside, we are living through unprecedented…

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Give Thanks

Saturday 25th April 2020
Janet Wilkes

At the end of a perfect day give thanks. For the warmth of the sun and the sound of The sea-shells shifting as each wave recedes Before another line of white spume is Lifted and dispersed 'long the cobbled beach. For harbour smells of lobster pots mingling With the tang each tide's seaweed brings from the Ocean, candy floss and ice cream parlours. For the spectacle of seagulls swooping To snatch food from the laps of astonished Visitors who, when their coaches leave, will Always say "It's been a wonderful day." So, as you go give thanks to God - give thanks - At the end of a perfect day - give thanks.

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Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Janet Wilkes

Lord, can we go back to where we belong To familiar scenes, likely places Whose auras remind us of places where We have felt safe, where we've been happy and Where, in whimsy, we'd like to go again? …

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Wild Wet Wasteland

Sunday 19th April 2020
Janet Wilkes

Beyond the wild wet wastead's thicket There was a garden, a river, flowers, grasses and fruit trees and a young Couple who took wing and flew away, Now, we need gardens more than ever To reflect, relax and recover, To return to paradise and to Be alone in Eden - to be home To think about our journeying and What caused the sudden expulsion from All we knew and about our returning to the old familiar place. Was it youth or ignorance or pride That led us, when young, so far away? Or were we just misadvised before We were wafted on sultry air to Hard places where God showed us what life Is like for many people - hungry, Dispossessed and alone - beyond the Eastern cherubim that guards Eden? Beyond that wild wet wasteland's thicket There…

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The Final Mile

Thursday 9th April 2020
Janet Wilkes

Here on earth Lord you carried a cross on which the whole world's sins were laid, but, in sight of Calvary you fell beneath the load on the dusty ground and Roman soldiers, having a job to do, seized a pilgrim and, in front of his sons, forced him to shoulder the cross and walk with you through noisy streets of frolicking festival goers leering, jeering and shouting insults as you walked the final mile. He didn't know you Lord but what he was doing for "the least of these my brethren", he did for you! (Janet has travelled on many Journeying adventures and has also served as a volunteer on Iona, with the Iona Community).

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