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Pilgrimage to St Davids

Saturday 22nd June 2019
Iain Tweedale

Today we start a pilgrimage to St Davids, the smallest city in Britain, named after the sixth century patron saint of Wales. Over the next week we'll share some of the sights and readings from the 100km walk, starting with a poem by Peter Millar: Lord of every pilgrim heart, you are beside me and before me on the way, surprising me through your Spirit at every turning on the path. Yet, like your disciples on the Emmaus road, I often fail to recognise my companion. In this morning hour, and in whatever the day may hold, open my eyes to see your presence, that I may celebrate with you the gift of the morning, O Lord of the unexpected. …

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A Hesitant Start

Monday 17th June 2019
David Gleed

Thirty years ago, today... Saturday June 17th 1989 and a small group gather in the evening light at a remote hillside chapel on the fringe of the Snowdon mountains. A little over a year from its founding the first Journeying (then Pilgrim Adventure) pilgrims were about to set off along the pilgrim's way. The following morning, I waved the group off and watched them for a while as they made their way across the parched grass and down the narrow valley, east of the great cone-shaped hill that had sheltered us the night before. "Keep the hill to your right" a helpful bystander called. It was a fine mid-summer day, sure to get hot before we rendezvoused again at camp number…

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New Journeying Leaders

Friday 7th June 2019
Iain Tweedale

We are delighted to welcome two new members to the Journeying team; Sally Welch and Duncan Weaver: Sally Welch is the Vicar of Charlbury with Shorthampton and Area Dean of Chipping Norton. She has been walking the pilgrim routes of Great Britain and Europe for twenty years, sometimes alone or with members of her numerous family, sometimes leading groups - always with enthusiasm for the adventures the journey will bring. She is the author of several books on pilgrimage and labyrinths and the editor of BRF (Bible Reading Fellowship) New Daylight Bible reading notes. Duncan has had a varied and interesting career in which he has worn several uniforms and is currently the chaplain at Bloxham school, a co-educational Anglican boarding school,…

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Pilgrim (a new poem from the Divine Loves collection)

Sunday 2nd June 2019
David Arkell

Pilgrim Wondering where it may be found - Space we long to call a home; Nest in which the self unbound Truly feels its essence own. Searching often far and wide, Ceaseless quest for restful dell; Put the bitter trials aside, Calm the soul's disturbing well, Seek the stillness of the core, Inner sanctum's deep tranquillity; Learn to shut the outer door Barring shallow superfluity. Striding up to giddy heights, Mountain peak and coastal scene - Preview of celestial sights, Frisson pure, vista serene; Beauty on such stunning scale, This could be Elysium's field, Were it not for human wail, Cleaving sword of conflict's wield. Here we have no resting place,1 Just a worldly passing-through; Fragile body, name and face Closely known by precious few. Never fully comprehended, Lonely in the secret parts; Wanting needs left unattended, Minds unblossomed, broken hearts. Looking for the real abode, Where that lies who…

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The View from Spain

Saturday 25th May 2019
Sue Peachey

As a past leader with Journeying and now an Associate, I was pleased to be asked to contribute an occasional blog from where I am now living - in Southern Spain, Almeria to be exact. What a beautiful part of the country it is and, being lucky enough to be retired, I have the time to explore it and get to know some of the people that I meet on my travels. Last September saw myself, my husband and our dog packed into our car along with many sundry belongings, as we set off on our long journey to our new home here. It wasn't the first time we'd done it, as we had visited our holiday apartment here…

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Like Bright Stars

Thursday 23rd May 2019
Iain Tweedale

For the last few nights there have been clear skies with still warm evenings. It is most unlike Wales, which is usually characterised by leaden skies, cold rain and wind. Last night though it was quiet and I looked up into the sky where there were countless stars shining brightly. Paul encouraged the early Christians by comparing them to stars. They must not have felt that they were countless though as they faced isolation and persecution, but as they looked up they must have wondered about the endless nature of God. The light that we can see from these stars started its journey across the universe at the time of the first Christians and the light that is being emitted…

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Refections on Gower

Tuesday 21st May 2019
David Heathcote (with photos by Huw Riden)

I have had a couple of weeks to reflect on my first ever holiday with Journeying, so a good time to pass on my thoughts as a newcomer. It was not a great start as a Welsh pothole gave me a puncture, requiring an RAC-towed detour to KwikFit (other tyre dealers are available) in Barry. This, plus heavy M4 bank holiday traffic, saw me arrive at Nicholaston just as dinner was being served, which was very welcome as I had not been able to get a proper lunch. The friendly company and relaxed atmosphere soon made me forget that day's frustrations, and evening worship followed by a walk up Cefn Bryn in the setting sun began to put me in…

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Blaeberries and Salmonberries in Springtime

Thursday 16th May 2019
Paddy Allen

I have been having fun racing against time to capture blossom before it bursts into business-like growth. You make lovely discoveries. I thought the vibrant little green twigs pushing up on the woodland floor and on the hillside was evidence of remarkably prolific bloom. Then I suddenly found that they had sprouted small smooth leaves hiding small claret coloured heathery bells. I checked my app and, hey presto! Blaeberries! I had never found their flowers before. Looking forward to the crop and space left in the picture for the berries. And another pretty purplish flower a bit like mallow but not. So I checked the app (wonderful technology newly acquired) and discovered it was a version of rubus spectabilis (salmonberry…

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Free Day Walk to St Davids, Pembrokeshire, Wales (June 1st)

Wednesday 8th May 2019
Iain Tweedale

Join us on our next day walk at St Davids on Saturday June 1st. Starting Point: 10.30am, Ty'r Pererin Education & Pilgrimage Centre, St Davids, SA62 6PD. Return at 4.30pm by bus from St Justinian. Our 8 mile journey is organised jointly with St Davids Cathedral's Ty'r Pererin Education & Pilgrimage Centre and begins in the tiny city of St Davids founded by the patron saint of Wales in the sixth century on a promontory pushing out to sea at the furthest point of south west Wales. This foundation became a major centre of Celtic Christianity and an important place of pilgrimage. Today the lovely Cathedral of St David lies in a little valley in what is perhaps the most…

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Journeying on Gower

Tuesday 7th May 2019
Huw Riden

So, we woke up this morning, ate a full English/Welsh breakfast in our delightful residence, Nicholaston House Christian Retreat and then headed off to the beach. Dave and Dave walking and talking - a most Journeying activity! As we walked along the beach we were looking for a little church hidden in the trees at the far end. As we journeyed closer we could start to pick out the shape of the little church. And then we found it. Our route home led us past more wonderful views. We arrived back at Nicholaston House with aching feet and stomachs. But after a delicious meal, a scrub up and a time of prayer I took this snap from the bedroom window. A great day.

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