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Journeying Poetry Competition

Wednesday 26th January 2022

Here are three more poems from our inaugural poetry competition where we welcomed poems inspired by a pilgrim-journey to one or other of the Christian pilgrimage sites of Britain and Ireland, or by a longing to undertake that journey. Journeying By Yvonne Dixon Together we walk in step with the waves With horizon eyes and breeze-rinsed ears, Speaking slows to the pace of the heart, Prayer paths transform our longings and fears, Thoughts now follow the rhythm of the soul. I see you anew each day, Pilgrim Friend, Adjust first impressions, appreciate gifts, Filled with thanks as this journey draws to its end. Kevin of Glendalough By Michael Mitton Gentle Kevin, Few heard your footsteps in the forest As you searched for your place of prayer. You came to your mountain like an evening mist; Mystery hung…

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Journeying Poetry Competition 2021

Friday 3rd December 2021
David Gleed

For our inaugural Journeying poetry competition, we welcomed poems inspired by a pilgrim-journey to one or other of the Christian pilgrimage sites of Britain and Ireland, or by a longing to undertake that journey. The winning poem by Rosemary Power, Glen Nant, was published on this website on November 15th, but with so many excellent entries we thought we would publish others over the coming weeks. Here are three, by Laurie-Mo Gullachsen, Andrew Vessey and Pam Pott: Pilgrimage By Laurie-Mo Gullachsen In breath In steps In balance In hope In silence In listening In joy In despair In community In solitude In fellowship In striving In shadows In light In darkness In fear In bravery In loss In abundance In determination In peace In prayer I am called Forward For I am guided And I will not be lost I will follow In patience In peace In love In fellowship In faith I will go…

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Winner of the Journeying Poetry Competition Announced

Monday 15th November 2021

We are delighted to announce that Rosemary Power's poem entitled Glen Nant is the winner of Journeying's inaugural poetry competition: Glen Nant That day before spring The westering sun touched brown boughs pale gold and birch trunks glowed soft silver. Did once tired feet seeking elusive Love come down the glen and see the pilgrim path alight with hint of hope beyond their time? Did the Nant wash stained bruises, soil, off soles, _and Cruachan raise her crown, white still and wheeled_ with eagles, her flanks sheltering deer? Did the sun touch plague-weary wanderers of our time, rootless and yearning for lands behind the light? Was each enclosed in glow that day embracing hungry body and defeated mind, and shine pale gold? (Glen Nant, near Taynuilt, Argyll, Scotland is part of a medieval pilgrimage route). David Arkell, one of the judges…

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Saturday 25th September 2021
David Pott

When people feel passionately about an issue, walking is quite often a response. This is definitely the case with Climate Change and it sounds as if there may well be a significant number of walkers arriving in Glasgow at the start COP26 in November. Here are two initiatives that it would be good for people in the Journeying Community to be aware of if you are not already... The Young Christian Climate Network describes itself in this way: "We are an action-focused community of young Christians in the UK aged 18-30, choosing to follow Jesus in the pursuit of climate justice." They decided to organise a relay walk from Carbis Bay in Cornwall which started on June 14th and at…

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Journeying Poetry Competition 2021

Wednesday 8th September 2021
David Gleed

Welcome to the first Journeying Poetry Competition! Poems inspired by a pilgrim-journey to one or other of the Christian pilgrimage sites of Britain and Ireland, or by a longing to undertake that journey, are invited for the first Journeying Poetry Competition. Getting your entry in Entries should be emailed to and arrive no later than midnight (GMT) on Saturday 23rd October 2021. The winning entry will be announced on the 15th November 2021. Just one entry per person. There is no charge. Keep it original Entries must be original and not previously published elsewhere. All entries will be judged anonymously. Copyright remains with the author. The prize The winner will receive a first competition certificate signed by the judges and a ten percent discount on…

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Journeying on the Isle of Man - August 2021

Saturday 28th August 2021
David Heathcote

Saturday saw most of us arriving on the Island by air or sea, with our leaders transferring us to Peel on the west coast of the Island. Our group were housed in different properties overnight, but the Deanery was our base where we prepared & ate food, got to know each other, had times of prayer & reflection - and tackled a fiendish 1000 piece "turkey" jigsaw throughout the week! Sunday morning offered a choice of churches for those who wished to join in communal worship. After lunch, Rosemary & Karen led us up to the viewpoint on Peel Hill and along the cliffs. Meanwhile, Phil had collected our final arrival from Douglas, and they caught us up along the coast…

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Cumbrian Cistercian Way - Diary of a Journey, 21st-26th June 2021

Wednesday 14th July 2021
Sue Peachey

On Day 1 we all arrived at our hotel in Grange-Over-Sands and got to meet one another in our allocated sitting room before dinner. As this was the first Journeying trip to take place since 2019 we were all very Covid aware, but the hotel was completely geared up for the safety of their guests so we need not have worried. On Day 2 after morning worship we went to Cartmel and looked around the Priory, where there was an interesting exhibition of painted masks, made by people to express how they had felt during the pandemic. It was very thought provoking. Some of us then partook of the famous Cartmel sticky toffee pudding, before walking quite a long way around…

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Leading on the Trail… some personal reflections

Tuesday 15th June 2021
Ian Coward, Journeying Leader

It begins with ideas and inspiration to explore combined with the anticipation of new places and people to meet. The curiosity and excitement ensues as the planning begins. Maps and the internet become the first experience of the journey to see the reality take shape. It's time to go! The arrival and first meeting of strangers. Often very polite but a sense of asking why are we all here. What have we brought to this time and place to reflect upon, recover from or take forward. A unique time where relationships are formed to prepare for deeper discussions to come. The journey begins and slowly day by day a new rhythm becomes the norm. One of simplicity and consistency that…

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On the Holy Mountain

Saturday 5th June 2021
Cate Macfarlane

In June 2005, leaders Cate Macfarlane and Steve Evemy, travelled with a group to the West of Ireland. They climbed Mount Brandon. These are Cate's thoughts on that climb... Vast, immovable, haughty in her grandeur, the mountain drew us towards her. Soft and rough, grey and green, she revealed more of her great expanse as we climbed ever upwards. Reciting Brendan's Prayer, we remembered fellow pilgrims who had conquered different trails on the towering rock. Mount Brandon, on the south-west coast, in Dingle, Co. Kerry, is the second highest mountain in Ireland, 953 metres high. The ruins of St Brendan's Oratory mark the summit of the mountain. The legend is that the navigator saint climbed the mountain with his seafaring monks to prepare them physically and…

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Saturday 15th May 2021
David Gleed

Marooned on a tidal island; rescued by a minibus driven through a rapidly rising tide; becalmed on a ferry with engine trouble; towed to shore by the rival firm! Our first journey to Ireland was to prove a time of high adventure... Late afternoon, September 14th 1994, and twelve pilgrims are on board the old mail boat noisily pushing its way through a breezy sea toward St Colman's island home, Inishbofin, a few miles off the coast of County Galway. Midway through the voyage a sudden judder from the engines broke the friendly banter and craic of the travellers; we stood in unexpected silence, save for the wash of the sea against the hull and the cry of gull's overhead. We…

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