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For Love Alone

For Love Alone

Tuesday 9th June 2020
David Gleed

During an autumn holiday on the Island of Iona, Sister Agnes felt a calling from God to bring the religious life back to the Scottish Islands.

Back in her Convent in Devon it was to be seven years (to the day) since setting foot on Iona, that Sister Agnes arrived on the remote Shetland Island of Fetlar...

That same call came again. On this occasion, however, God seemed to say to her, 'You may answer yes, or you may answer no. It's your choice, though if you answer no, it will be the end of your vocation as it is meant to be, and I shall ask you no more.' Sister Agnes said, Yes!

The story of the years leading up to the move to Fetlar, the adventures that followed and the founding of SOLI (Society of Our Lady of the Isles) makes great reading!

Told in four autobiographical books and published by SPCK, although no longer in print, used copies are readily available from online suppliers.

The books:
A Tide that Sings
The Song of the Lark
Island Song
For Love Alone.