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New Journeying Leaders
Friday 7th June 2019
Iain Tweedale
We are delighted to welcome two new members to the Journeying team; Sally Welch and Duncan Weaver:
Sally Welch is the Vicar of Charlbury with Shorthampton and Area Dean of Chipping Norton. She has been walking the pilgrim routes of Great Britain and Europe for twenty years, sometimes alone or with members of her numerous family, sometimes leading groups - always with enthusiasm for the adventures the journey will bring. She is the author of several books on pilgrimage and labyrinths and the editor of BRF (Bible Reading Fellowship) New Daylight Bible reading notes.
Duncan has had a varied and interesting career in which he has worn several uniforms and is currently the chaplain at Bloxham school, a co-educational Anglican boarding school, in N. Oxfordshire. He has always had a love of sport and the great outdoors which he has been able to enjoy throughout his life, and at Bloxham he is more often in a track suit teaching sport than in a dog collar. He has led various 'pilgrimages,' on foot, by bicycle and by sea and is currently seeking to complete the Camino in stages. He thinks that these ancient practices and rhythms help us all on our journeys. He is married to Joan and they have 4 children and 8 grandchildren who are scattered around the British Isles. He likes to cook and enjoys sharing meals with others.