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Lundy Island

Lundy Island

Thursday 28th February 2019
Janet Wilkes

My first 'Journeying', 6 years ago, to Lundy Island, was memorable. Not just for the epic sea voyage getting there and the swathes of late bluebells and black rabbits but for a unique relief inside St Helen's, Lundy's Parish Church.

Similar to other churches of its age there was, behind the altar, the Ten Commandments. But to its right, instead of the Creed, there was a relief of Aaron putting on the head of a goat the sins of the people before releasing it into the wilderness.

This concept of forgiveness I have never seen elsewhere. And, in an urban setting, it could well be lost. But on Lundy Island, with its vast sweeps of lonely land, the symbolism seemed perfect. And it was not lost on me. I had just retired and, like many others stepping off the treadmill, I realised I had much to be forgiven!

Crossing back to Ilfracombe was calmer. As the ferry pushed off from the shore schools of dolphins, sensing we were homeward bound, swam with us way out into the Atlantic, cavorting and somersaulting, until even they got tired of the show and turned round and swam back to their lovely island.